介紹 BIO

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2006年,簽進香港的蜂鳥音樂,開始學習尋找自己音樂定位,嘗試創作各種音樂類型、研究不同現場表演方式,全台各個Livehouse及表演場所進行過演出,參加歌唱比賽,磨練舞台經驗。2009年她決定前往就讀美國好萊塢知名的 Musicians Institute(MI)音樂學院。回台灣後陸續發表兩張創作EP《冬天在好萊塢》與《聽說有個人,在紐約等著我》,同年參加新光三越不插電音樂大賽獲得季軍,原創曲《Daylight Robbery》徵選更收錄在2013臺北流行音樂季的紀念合輯中。 2015范安婷選入《喜歡音樂》舉辦的原創音樂人培訓計畫,數位發行跟黃奕儒一起創作並合唱的《自由行不行》,結業時也推出單曲《新地島》和與黃昺翔合唱《地球很危險》,兩首收錄於《一種注目》創作合輯。2016受邀於Simplelife綠意舞台現場演出,2017年推出個人首張專輯《我的國語 你聽不聽得懂》,入圍第八屆金音獎「最佳樂手獎」(門田英司/吉他)及第29屆金曲獎「最佳演唱錄音專輯獎」。2020年發行第二創作專輯 《亞底米 1889》。

2014 EP《聽說有個人,在紐約等著我》
2016 數位單曲 《人造雨 (feat. 浩智)》
2016 數位單曲 《自由行不行 (feat. 范安婷)》
2016 喜歡音樂原創合輯《一種注目》,含單曲《新地島》
2017 專輯 《我的國語 你聽不聽得懂》
2020 專輯 《亞底米 1889》

Born in Taipei, Taiwan, Anie immigrated with her parents to Canada as a child, and had been interested in music at an early age. She started learning piano in elementary school, frequently competing in local children's piano competitions. In college, she started writing songs and learning guitar, all the while pursuing a degree in Business Administration. 

In 2006, Anie joined Hummingbird Music as a writer and artist, experimenting with different ways to perform and showcase her original work. In 2009, she decided to devote time to learn about music theory, arrangement and production, and went to do so at the Musicians Institute in California. In 2015, she auditioned into a program sponsored by Taiwan label Enjoy Music, and started a year long project with hands-on training in music production, songwriting, and recording.

At around this time, she began working on her own debut album with renowned guitarist and producer Eiji Kadota, garnering much attention and support throughout the production process.  Her debut album “Can You Or Can You Not Understand My Mandarin” was released March 2017, and  was featured on Apple Music as a part of their “New Artist Spotlight” program. The album was nominated a Golden Melody Award for Best Vocal Recording Album (Technical Category) and Eiji Kadota was nominated a Golden Indie Music Awards for Best Guitarist for his work on the album.

In 2020, Anie released her second album “Artemis 1889” and explores themes like the dark side of technology, social media, and our changing society.